
Things I like about Ukraine

  • Cuisine. I can't say how much I love our national food. I miss it all the time I'm in England.
  • Prices. Very cheap prices on almost everything comparing to Ukraine
  • People. Most of the population in Ukraine is very itelligent
  • Girls. Ukrainian girls are the most beautiful in the world. I'm travelling all around the world all my life so I can say it for sure.
  • Kyiv. My home. This is wonderful place to live. Once upon a time St. Vladimir described Kyiv by words: "I've seen great parks in cities, but not city within a park".

Things I desparately can't understand or hate about Ukraine

  • Politics. Current politicians ruined the whole economical system that was built in Soviet Times for century. Corruption and Bureaucracy take place and noone wants to do something about it.
  • Educational System. Students after receiving a  high education sertificate can't find a job, because they don't have needed skills for work.

My Family

There are 4 of us: Ma, Dad, Sis and Me. My mother is a designer. She's begun to study Psychology. My father is entepreneur, living example of what I am going to become in future. Sister is 12 years old. She has just finished the 6th grade in International School in Vladivostok, and I think she will be studying in Switzerland soon.